Fixed disabling the new grid component in the Preferences dialog
Fixed error when opening a project containing a suspect link of an undefined link type
Fixed click on URL links displayed in an xhtml attribute column if the new grid component enabled
Fixed position of the drop-down list after when editing an enumeration attribute in the Attributes pane
Fixed opening ReqView project files from the file explorer
Fixed Import ReqIF Package dialog to disable interaction after the OK button is pressed
Fixed failed ReqIF import when ReqIF.Name attribute can be mapped to the ReqView system attribute heading only in some imported ReqIF specifications
Fixed disabling action Place Link if no link can be created (duplicate links or self-loop)
Fixed error when trying to edit or delete a link of undefined link type
Fixed display of all link types in filter suggestions
Fixed display of attribute value differences in the History pane if the attribute type has been changed from single-value to multi-value enumeration
Fixed edit of enum key ID in the Customize Attributes dialog
Improve performance of the Finish Editing Document action if the project is opened from a Git repository
ReqView 2.20.0
New Features and Enhancements
Browse Git History
Display the Git History dialog by File > Git > History
Search a keyword in the Git history
Filter the Git history to display only tagged commits
Refresh the displayed Git history
Open the selected Git commit in a new window
Compare two selected Git commits in a new window
Manage Git Baselines
Show Git tags in the Git History dialog
Create or delete a tag
Display information for a selected Git tag
Resolve Comments
Set comments as resolved or unresolved
Optionally hide resolved comments in the Discussion pane
Filter document objects with unresolved comments
Clone Documents
Create a new document by cloning a document from another project by Project > Add Document > Clone Document
Duplicate document by choosing Duplicate Document from the context menu in the Project pane
Preview SVG Attachments
Display SVG attachments up to 10 MB size limit in the table view
Preview SVG attachments up to 10 MB size limit in a dialog after choosing View in Dialog from the context menu
Preview MathML Attachments
Display MathML attachments in the table view
Preview MathML attachments in a dialog after choosing View in Dialog from the context menu
New Grid Component (Beta)
Enable the new grid component by File > Edit > Preferences > Use new grid component (Beta)
Context Menus
Show or hide columns after right-click on a column header and selecting Columns from the context menu
Show the context menu after right-click on a table cell
Do not display the orange context toolbar (to not overlap with the context menu)
Freeze Columns
Place columns on the left and keep their position when scrolling the table view horizontally
Freeze / unfreeze a column by right-click on a table column header and choosing Freeze Column / Unfreeze Column
Persist frozen columns in table views
Move a column by clicking on the column header and then drag and drop
Enter the section heading and text description for new objects in the Add Object dialog
Note: To keep the selection of more document objects when editing an attribute at once, press and hold Ctrl before clicking or double clicking on the selected attribute column.
Set Section Numbering
Force section numbering for selected leaf document objects or use the default section numbering by menu Edit > Set Section Numbering > Force Numbering / Use Default Numbering
Set section numbering after CSV import if the CSV file contains "section" column — if the column contains a falsy value then use the default section numbering, otherwise force section numbering for the corresponding document object
Show Project Folder Locks
Display information about the user and date of all acquired project folder locks by Project > Maintenance > Show Project Folder Locks
Edit instructions stored in an xhtml attribute having help property set to true in the Instructions pane
Sort attributes displayed in the Attributes pane by order of columns or by alphabet
Set the property hint for an xhtml atribute to display a custom string placeholder in the rich text editor explaining how to set the attribute value
Display the Create Project dialog after cloning an empty Git repository
Use {{tableView}} in your export template to output the name of the table view used for export
Export ReqIF with RDF URIs in SAME-AS properties filled for predefined datatypes and attributes when Export for DOORS Next option is checked in the Export ReqIF dialog
Import ReqIF with ReqIF.Name attribute mapped to ReqView heading attribute iff no other attribute is mapped to heading and if ReqIF.Name is not mapped to another attribute
Choose a separator in a dialog when importing a CSV file and automatic detection of the separator fails
Show context menus after right-click in the Project, Linked Projects, Table Views, and Discussion panes and the Export Configuration and Git History dialogs
Get Started
Fix display of a warning when a project is saved to a project folder synchronized with a cloud service (MS OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox)
Fix keeping the visibility of image attachments reloaded after project refresh
Fix display of the section number and collapse icon for deleted parent node
Fix memory leaks and improve performance when refreshing a project with many unchanged attachments
Fix a performance issue after opening a document with many attachments
Fix rewriting all attachments after saving to a project folder
Fix delete of a document if projects contains an empty document group
Fix copy of document objects when another document has a filter error
Fix paste of document objects to empty documents
Fix display of popup menu items and drop-down buttons for menus with all items hidden
Fix display of empty document groups in the Project pane
Fix preserving of collapsed state of document groups in the Project pane after project refresh
Fix error displayed for a filter based on a template column after creating a new document from a document template file
Fix stripping of project history and discussion for all documents after creating a new project as a clone of an existing project
Fix storing document groups in project template files after File > Save As Template > Project
Fix enabling / disabling actions after selecting multiple document objects and switching to another document or (un)loading a linked project
Fix lost selection after moving more selected document objects
Fix several RTL issues in document display and print
Fix error when printing a document with template columns producing empty output
Fix values of document template properties createdOn, createdBy, lastChangedOn, and lastChangedBy after saving the document as a document template file
Fix error in the Import ReqIF Package dialog when reqviewDocumentProperties set a document property to a non-string value
Fix CSV import to not create empty document objects if no attribute value is present in imported CSV columns
Fix trailing spaces in enumeration keys added by mistake in the Document Attributes dialog leading problems when the enumeration value is used for filtering the document
Fix display of history entries after changing the multiValued property for an enumeration attribute
Fix display of warnings in the Document Attributes dialog
Fix display of history for traceability links to unloaded projects
Fix enabling the filter when switching between Table Views
Fix display of an error when a deleted attribute is used for filtering the document
Fix errors when unloading all linked projects
Fix the Attributes pane to not allow editing attributes of deleted document objects
Fix filtering of document objects at the top level without any section number
Fix handling of Esc to close the Document Attributes and the Project Traceability dialogs
Fix error handling of Git commands if the OS is configured to produce localized messages
Fix authorization to Jira cloud if the email contains non-Latin1 characters
Fix confirmation for discarding changes in the Manage Export Configurations dialog after closing the dialog
Fix export of documents with ID longer than 31 characters to MS Excel causing warnings about repaired records because of Excel limit for sheets names
Fix wrong name of the DOCX file if it was exported using an Export Configuration
Fix broken URL links in exported HTML files if the custom HTML template file has extension .htm
Fix export of closed documents using the default table view instead of the last used view
Fix double HTML escaping of data attributes of object tags during ReqIF export to prevent issues with ReqIF import to IBM DOORS Next Generation and Capella
Fix CSV export to not contain newline characters stored in a string attribute to avoid issues when the CSV file is open in MS Excel
System Requirements
WebApp: the latest desktop version of Chrome, Edge or Firefox browser
WinApp: Windows 10+
LinuxApp: Ubuntu 20.04+ LTS, Debian 11+ LTS
MacApp: Mac OS X 11+
ReqView License Server: version 1.2+
Word & Excel: Microsoft 365 or version 2019+
Atlassian Jira Cloud: the latest version
ReqIF: version 1.2+
Git: version 2.40+
Subversion (SVN): version 1.14+
Known Issues
ReqView UI is not optimized for control by a touchscreen.
Running ReqView on Ubuntu 24 may fail because of Ubuntu 24 apparmor issue. As a workaround set SUID flag, run sudo chmod 4755 /opt/ReqView/chrome-sandbox before the first start of ReqView.