The case study captures requirements for a web-based Flight Reservation System in MS Excel spreadsheets.
Customers managing requirements for complex HW/SW products in Excel are often facing many problems. One of the main challenges is to maintain consistent traceability links. We will show how you can solve these issues in ReqView.
Goal 1: Demonstrate that you can handle complex tabular data in ReqView
Goal 2: Show advantages of powerful requirements management features to potential customers.
The case study describes a business information system, which maintains business-related data within a database management system (DBMS) and adds capabilities to:
The case study uses three types of requirements for the above functionalities:
High-level requirements are displayed in ReqView:
Detailed Requirements - Visual representation of the data schema stored in the section “Data Model”:
Traceability column displaying upstream business goals and downstream detailed requirements for each high-level requirement:
By managing requirements in ReqView instead of Excel you get the following advantages: