Frequently Asked Questions

ReqView Documentation / Get Started

Getting Started

You can get the latest stable version of ReqView application from the ReqView Download page. When you run ReqView the first time then it is activated with the FREE license, which has limited features. You can get a trial license from the Request Free Trial License page to evaluate the advanced features.

Automatic Updates
Offline Mode
Project Folders
Linked Projects
Collaboration via Network Drive, Git or Subversion (SVN)
Integration with Google Drive
Export to PDF, Export Configurations
Command Line Interface

You do not need to install any database. ReqView persists all data about open projects locally in the secure application storage. You can store ReqView projects on your local drive only, or collaborate via a network or cloud drive, or via a version control system, such as Subversion (SVN) or Git.

The ReqView Web application and native applications for Windows and Mac are updated automatically after we release a new version. However, the native application for Linux needs to be downloaded and updated manually.

ReqView is the stable version which you can use for production projects.ReqView Beta is a beta version which you can use for testing and evaluation of ReqView latest features in a non-production environment. You can install both applications independently on the same computer because they do not share any data.

ReqView is very intuitive and you can get started quickly with a little help of our online documentation. Will be happy to offer custom services if you need a custom online training tailored for you. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.

You can manage most of the importing and customization tasks by yourself with the help of our comprehensive online documentation. If you need our help contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions or even offer custom services to implement import scripts or custom reports for you.

You can reuse the following resources:

  • Requirements Specification Templates — document templates for requirements specifications based on the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 standard, OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), the Volere process, User Stories, and the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
  • Example Requirements Specification Documents — example Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document based on the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 standard, Volere Library Loans Example, Example User Stories Specification
  • Example Requirements Management Project — example SW development project demonstrating how to describe and manage user needs, risks, SW requirements, IS requirements, verification tests, and a high-level solution architecture.

ReqView does not provide any templates for industry specific standards. However, you can easily customize documents by custom attributes and table views to create your own reusable document templates fitting best your specific workflow.

Daily Use

You can share project folders on a network or cloud drive to edit documents exclusively, which will prevent merge conflicts. This way, multiple users can work effectively on different parts of the system. For instance, one engineer can update stakeholder requirements while another engineer update system requirements at the same time. See Collaborate via Shared Drive for more information.

We recommend managing ReqView projects in a Version Control System (VCS) to store full project history and its baselines. ReqView supports integration with most popular VCSs today — Git and Subversion (SVN).

You cannot edit the document if it is read-only. You need to unlock it for editing first, see Edit Documents Exclusively.

Also, you cannot add new document objects, or move objects in the document hierarchy if the current document table view is filtered or sorted by other column than the Description. To change the document structure simply disable the filter or sort, see Filter, Sort and Search Requirements for more information.

The drop-down list is displayed when you start editing a custom enumeration attribute, such as a requirement status or priority. You can customize its values in the Document Attributes dialog, see Enumeration Attributes for more information.

There is no straightforward way to change the document ID because it is used as a prefix of requirement IDs. According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2018 standard, requirement IDs must stay unchanged during the whole requirement life-time.

However, there might be use cases for document or requirement IDs before the initial release of the document. For instance, if you need to reassign requirement IDs to fix wrong document ID or to assign requirement IDs sequentially. As a workaround solution for such cases, copy all document objects to a new blank document as follows:

  1. Create a new blank document.
  2. Switch to the source document, open the Document Attributes dialog, switch to the Code tab, and copy the attributes definition to the clipboard.
  3. Switch to the source document, open the Document Attributes dialog, switch to the Code tab, and paste the attributes definition from the clipboard.
  4. Switch to the source document, select all document objects and copy document objects to the clipboard.
  5. Switch to the new document, paste document objects from the clipboard.

Note that this approach preserves attribute values, attachments and outgoing traceability links, and incoming traceability links from loaded projects. However, it does not copy discussions, history of document objects, incoming traceability links from unloaded projects, and does not renumber cross-references in XHTML attributes.


You can install ReqView remotely using the winget command line tool. If you need to change the installation directory set the environment variable SQUIRREL_TEMP to an empty directory, where ReqView will be installed. If needed, create a shortcut for starting ReqView easily.

Yes. Even external stakeholders can view ReqView projects saved into a single Project File. They can open it in the ReqView Web Application and use the default FREE license provided with ReqView by default. Note that only the latest version of Chrome, Edge and Firefox web browsers are supported.

Yes. As an administrator, you can release project or document locks created by other users, for instance, if the user's computer is broken or if she leave the company with a document locked for editing.

The procedure depends on the way how you share project data:

Note: Force release of a ReqView file lock can lead to merge conflicts that are difficult to resolve manually. Try to avoid it whenever possible.

Updated for version 2.19.1